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Pain To Peace, A Journey


Pain To Peace, A Journey, by Mary Noack

For a donation of $20.00, a signed copy of this book, Pain To Peace, A Journey, will be mailed out to you within the continental United States.

Pain To Peace was written actually in the years 1991-1993 at the early beginnings of my spiritual journey. Then with the work of running a metaphysical center and all the rest of it, the book sat in the drawer until my friend, Bobbi Jansen, who was a publisher said, “let’s get it out and make a real book of it.”

The book is done in seven chapters with each chapter having at the end a meditation, journal pages and a full paged sacred geometry design. The design is meant to be colored for relaxing and contemplation. With the book I did weekend retreats using the book material and could see how helpful it was to the students.

So here it is for you now as an eBook and still available as a spiral bound hard copy.

May you too make your way on the journey from pain to peace.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on the book.


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Ebook, Hardcopy