Original Small Oil Paintings   

Donation of $50.00 - $60
These paintings 8x10, 10x8, 14x11, and 9x12 matted are done on canvas, sealed back, and are ready for framing. Any glassed frame of the correct size will do. Please recognize that these are the original paintings and although similar ones may come along, what you are seeing today, once gone, cannot be done again exactly as you see it now.


Donation of $30
A quality Japanese incense. Every packet of this everyday incense is a unique blend of the finest woods, herbs, and spices. Each stick is pure incense with no wooden inner core. This gives you the opportunity to break off a piece to use for shorter burn time. The fragrance of each incense lends an atmosphere of tranquility and peacefulness to your setting. Here you can delight in a fragrance for every occasion and for gift giving.

African Fair Trade Handmade Beaded Jewelry

Donation of $40
These African jewelry are handcrafted in villages throughout Africa. Our purchase of these products helped villages with the hope to provide their families with the basic necessities of life—food, shelter, education, and medical care.
Your donations for these items now helps us to provide much-needed support to other families around the globe.

Original Designs Hand Colored Note Cards

Donation of $20
These unique note cards are handcrafted original designs by Mary, and all are hand-colored and glittered by her as well. Since they are hand-colored no two sets will be alike. Each package contains six cards and envelopes, two each of three different designs. For example, you can get the butterflies today but next week the design and coloring of the set maybe different, although all six will be in the design of butterflies.