Springs of Hope – Kenya

In recent statistics it is estimated that there were 2.6 million Orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya, of whom 1.8 million were orphans and 750,000 were vulnerable. This is a staggering number! We know that the answer to this issue is not more orphanages. Ideally we know no matter how poor a family is that a loving family is the answer for all of our children, and all children in the world.

That is where Springs of Hope Kenya comes in. Springs of Hope Kenya Children’s Home (SOHK)is located in Njoro Kenya just outside of Nakuru. SOHK is a fully registered facility providing complete care to orphans and vulnerable children. We opened in Nov. 2009, and since then we been the safe haven for many children and we are currently the home for approximately 50 children. Most of the children at SOHK have been orphaned, abandoned or abused and have no where else to turn. Springs of Hope Kenya gives these beautiful children of God a family atmosphere, with a loving and safe environment. Despite their tragic beginnings our vision is to watch them grow to be well-adjusted, happy, educated and productive members of society.

Our mission and goal at SOHK is to be a “Christ-centered ministry that is transforming lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya. We believe that through working with the church and the people of Kenya, and you! together we can give hope, faith and love, and a chance for a happy productive lives to the orphans and vulnerable children of Kenya.”

We know that through love, counseling and education our children can be whole again. They can have a future and they can be the hope that this world so desperately needs.

Springs of Hope – Kenya – a not-for profitless children in Kenya
2504 Southpointe Drive
Dunedin, FL 34698